Summer Trip to Iraq

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Al Asad

The first two pics are on our way to Kuwait. I took them when we had a two hour layover in Germany. The first one is of a chunk of my platoon sitting around and relaxing before our next flight on our little trip.

The next is one of my good buddies enjoying one of Germany's great brawts. Only $4 for a brawt and a coke, not bad prices for buying food from an airport. But we were anywhere but the airport. Once the plane landed we were put on a bus and moved into what looked like a military base. With barracks and bunkers all around. But it was nice I got a German banner for $15. The trip itself to kuwait wasn't bad, inflight movies and way too much airplane food. The best part was I got to ride up near the officers and higher ranks so it wasn't crowded at all. Only problem was moving around all the rifles and guns we had with us.

This is a picture of us while we were in our room in Al Asad. We found a Texas Hold'em table in one of the empty rooms that another group of bulk fuelers made. We played at least one game a night sometimes more. We had everyone coming in there to play with us it was a great time. I never won but we didn't play for that much money so it is all good. I'll post some new Pics of were I am now In a couple of days if I can.

The last couple of days has been hard to do anything because the winds started to pick up a lot of sand. Visibilty was down to 60 yards or so yesterday. It blocked out the sun. The only way I can try to explain it is like fog but insteed of white/gray it was just pail yellow. Everything was blured. It would get everywhere. Have to where sunglasses not because it was bright but so that nothing got in your eyes. You almost needed something to cover your face so you could breath. I'm sure it's one of many to come. Well I got to go get ready for a convoy.


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