Texas Hold em
Well last night we held a Texas Hold em tournement with almost 30 marines. It was a $20 buy in and the winner got 55% of the total. I was lucky to make it to the championship table playing against 10 other marines and soldiers. I ended up placing 6th over all not bad but I was wishing to at least get third so I could have gotten a little bit of money. At the first table I got nick named the Cardiac Kid becaus I was down to $5 dollars and ended up leaving the table with the biggest stack to head up to the chanpionship table. The best part was that the CO was the first one out of our table. I think the delaer was helping out the 1st SGT cause he was the chip leader for most the game until I got some good hands when we switched dealers. But that championship round I couldn't get anything going but at least I wasn't the first one out. There is something about a concert thay I may get to go to. I don't know much else about it besides it's country music. Nothing else really going on around here. I thank all of you that are supporting me while I'm out here by writing me and sending me packages. Whick reminds me I have a new address so that things get to me a little faster.
LCPL Willhite, Benjamin L.
UIC 41742
FPO AP 96426-1742
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